Monday, May 15, 2006

Quote of the Day

Just finished Criminal Law today. Think I did enough to pass. Anyway, treated myself to a copy of Knights of the Dinner Table on the way home; an hilarious RPG magazine/comic book. I don't do the whole Dungeons and Dragons thing myself (primarily because I have no friends), but I have whiled away many's the happy hour in front of Baldur's Gate, hacking and slaying my way up and down the Sword Coast and trying desperately to level up some no-spell motherfucker of a Mage as his hit points are repeatedly clubbed away by trolls. Today's KotDT mag features a chucklesomely negative review of the current Battlestar Galactica series (which I haven't seen much of but am prepared to be favourably disposed towards as a matter of reaction) by someone called Noah Antwiler. It contains the following withering appraisal of Galactica's Viper jocks who:
...are about as combat effective as Communists in a Chuck Norris movie.
Well, I thought it was funny. Observant BSG watchers will have recognised Cmdr. Adama as Gaff from Blade Runner, which Mr. Antwiler points out is a good thing as he will need all his blade runner abilities to "retire" the Nexus 6 Cylons which are ruining the show. Emo bonus for all AD&D and X-Men nerds. Sing along now:
I've got the Dungeon Master's Guide, I've got a 12-sided die, I've got Kitty Pryde, And Nightcrawler too, Waiting there for me, Yes I do.
Enjoy. Next stop for me, the Irish Legal System. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such luck as can be spared has been dispatched.
Give me a buzz for a cup of coffee some lunchtime.

5/15/2006 10:04:00 AM  
Blogger Copernicus said...

Ta v. much. Will do.

5/15/2006 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger Anon said...

Good luck! Just haven't done half enough work today myself. Tinkering with the template tonight when I should have been slaving over something or other, oh well.

5/15/2006 03:58:00 PM  
Blogger EWI said...

Today's KotDT mag features a chucklesomely negative review of the current Battlestar Galactica series (which I haven't seen much of but am prepared to be favourably disposed towards as a matter of reaction) by someone called Noah Antwiler. It contains the following withering appraisal of Galactica's Viper jocks

Mr. Antwiler is a bit of a muppet, as well as abysmally failing the Geek Credibility Test for commenting on BSG - the show creator/writer is ex-USN, hence the realism (eh, relatively of course ;-).

What did the erest of the article say?

5/16/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Copernicus said...

Well he did make a few good points about how Starbuck's character is too dysfunctional and basically responsible for about as many Viper pilot deaths as the Cylons. It does stretch credibility that she's still allowed to fly.

5/16/2006 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Battlestar Galatica. It's one of the best things on telly these days. And the season finale (which was just on Sky now) was fucking amazing. I'd like to read that article, if only to disagree with it.

My own RPG experience is limited to playing the Buffy RPG game which was very, very funny even though we were all completely inexperienced gamers - apart from my friend Daegaer who was the game runner and who was absolutely brilliant, coming up with huge elaborate plots and mysteries. She even prepared print-outs so our characters could receive mysterious e-mails. Ah, the glorious geekitude of it all...

Oh, and good luck with the rest of the exams!

5/16/2006 03:20:00 PM  

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